Jumat, 08 April 2011

Kissing You - Des'ree

This is a very sad song. Told us how hurt love can be. Plus, Des'ree's voice has built a deep impression of losing.

'Pride can stand a thousand trials,
The strong will never fail,
But watching stars without you,
My soul cried'

Sad isn't it?! I'm sure each person has ever through this mourn moment. So, it's not so surprising when found somebody cried when listened to this song, haha.

'Oh..oh.. the aching'

Hmm, cruel song!

'Touch me deep, pure and true,
Gift to me forever'

Well yeah.. missing somebody is a difficult time. When they're not around, it's just so damn sad in our heart. Sometime we're just need to talk to ease the lonely feeling, to answer the questions in our mind. Sometimes time was never enough to explain how we miss somebody badly, but just can't do anything to express.

Well, 'missing somebody' shouldn't be that complicated... Why don't we just say it?

Some of us prefer to sacrifice themselves in order to avoid consequences. Coward? No! I don't know what to call 'em.
Well, let's hear this song again...

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